Here you manage the services provided by your business.
You can switch between the graph view or the list view.
We recommend the list view, as it is easier to manage categories and services.
To get started, select the list view option.
In this part, you can manage your business services. If you need to edit, click on the ellipsis (…) in the right corner for more information.
But, if you are still in the initial phase and do not have any services added, you need to create a Category and only then create a Service.
Click on the + ADD CATEGORY button, choose a name for this category.
This category will be displayed on the booking page for your customers, so choose a good name.
An example: Surgeries
And for the Surgeries category, surgery services are created for Teeth, Eyes, Hair…
After creating a category, you need to create the services.
On the service page, click on + ADD SERVICE and fill in all the requested information.
If you need a security deposit from your customers, you can activate the ‘Enable Deposit’ option. If you haven’t set up any online payment methods, you can bill the customer manually via phone or email.
Choose the Duration of the service. Be very precise in this part, analyze the time it takes to carry out the service and indicate it in the information. What is the time slot length from one service to another? 5 minutes? 10 minutes? Report this straight away.
If your customers need to arrive before the scheduled time, add the minutes in the Time Before option, and, if you need them to stay after completing the service, select the Time After option.
After filling in all the information in the ‘Service Details’, click on the ‘Staff’ tab.
Choose the staff who can perform the service and then, click in ‘ADD’.
If you have other professionals who can perform this service, click ‘+ Add staff’.
If you have not yet added any professionals to your system, navigate to the ‘Staff’ menu and add.
After inserting staffs to perform this service, you need to choose the times these professionals can perform the service. To do this, navigate to the ‘Time sheet’ tab.
Choose the days that can be used by your customers to schedule appointments.
If your company does not work on a certain day, you can manage this in the ‘Special Days’ section.
If you have extra services, you can configure them in the ‘Extras’ tab, but this is a completely optional step.
After adding the times, navigate to the ‘Settings’ tab.
This is a very important step.
Activate the Specify Payment Methods option, and choose the option you want to receive or collect payment from your customers.
If you choose to receive payment in person, choose the ‘Local’ option.
If you’re set up to receive payment online, add the gateway.
After completing all the steps, click on ‘Add Service’.
The step-by-step guide for creation is:
Locations > Staff > Services
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Appointment features that bring results.
With Nexeup, your business will have a complete and robust appointment system to meet all your needs.